Latest News


May 2020

Technology grant is awarded to STTF by Ouest-France Solidarité.

A proposal was submitted to the organization with the help of Rev. Jean-Yves Urfié, friend and colleague of Dr. Yves Dejean, and Allan Quellery, volunteer Technology teacher. Grant funds in the amount of $3,371.85 will cover the purchase of pico projectors and solar panel batteries. This will enable the students of STTF to continue to access educational programs in their technology lab.



TLFC members strategize for the summer and upcoming school year.

On the team’s agenda:

  • Educating the Fort-Royal community on COVID-19 safety measures

  • Updating TLFC’s media outreach

  • Planning the STTF Fencing Project 

  • Developing fundraising alternatives to our yearly banquet and events.

TLFC members are unable to travel to STTF for their annual seminar.

The June 2019 trip was canceled, due to travel restrictions, and the political climate in Haiti. Administrative and Academic Advisor, Yolande Pierre, led teacher training sessions by grade level, on lesson plan development, creative writing, editing, and journal writing.  She conducted classroom observations with STTF Director Joseph.

School Closure due to COVID-19 pandemic

Sant Twa Ti Flè  is presently closed for the safety of its students, staff, and community.  Health and hygiene lessons were provided to all prior to departing on Friday, March 20, 2020.

The TLFC team developed lessons that could be distributed to the students using distance communication, and communicated COVID-19 facts and safety measures to the staff .

August 2019- March 2020

Highlights of the School Year

Students are in attendance despite the political unrest that reigns in the country.


Early Childhood instruction is going well in the new building donated by Food For the Poor.


Primary students are proud of their shapes.


Intermediate students engage with their tablets.

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Elementary students engrossed in their reading assignment.


Do you like our new class aprons?


Adult sewing class: Challenging & fun!


Students enjoy good food & camaraderie!

Children_Boys-eating Cropped.jpg

Donors in Action

October 2019

High School student leads a supply drive at the Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale.

Sam McCawley lead his first drive with the youth of his church following Hurricane Mathew in 2016, and a second drive in 2018. He collected toiletries, linen, baby items, first aid items, school supplies, flashlights. The 2019 drive yielded 25 boxes of school and office supplies, shoes, and backpacks, which were shipped to STTF.


May 2019

Board Member celebrates her retirement and donates $2,000 to STTF.

Patricia Dozier Washington devoted years of outstanding service to Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade. During her last visit to Sant Twa Ti Flè, she became aware of the need to secure the school compound with a fence and decided to help. She used her retirement funds for that purpose.  


October 2018

Sewing classes open at Sant Twa Ti Flè.

Sewing machines were donated by Irma Jacquet, Yrvine Rouzeau, Chantal Lecorps , Chantalle Verna, Denise Ulysse, and TLFC members. They were delivered to Fort-Royal with the assistance of Food for the Poor. The first sewing class opened with 25 students, including students in grades 4 to 6 grade students, teachers, and community members. Another class opened in the summer of 2019.


June 2018

The United Teachers of Dade (UTD) hold a week-long seminar for the teachers of Sant Twa Ti Flè

 UTD Executive Board Member Patrenia Dozier-Washington diligently planned the week-long seminar with TLFC members. It was delivered at the Fort Royal Hotel in the town of Petit-Goave, Haiti, by a team of experienced teachers, under the leadership of UTD President Karla Hernandez-Mats. Sant Twa Ti Flè teachers lived an extraordinary experience with delicious meals and fun activities. They learned successful pedagogical strategies. Among other activities, they developed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) experience that culminated in kite flying and anemometer building with the children.

UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats confers with STTF Director Wilfrid Joseph and TLFC Officer Yves Degand.

UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats confers with STTF Director Wilfrid Joseph and TLFC Officer Yves Degand.

Minds at work: The seminar is in session!

Minds at work: The seminar is in session!

Participants and UTD members celebrate their accomplishment.

Participants and UTD members celebrate their accomplishment.